After many years of hard work the young creative man was rewarded to a respected position in the elite podium joining other Horror writers. Financially he never had further worries of debt and his lonely lifestyle with a few close friends suited him just fine. His twisted ideas fed his adoring Followers on twitter and his loyal viewing audience even forgave him for many of his below average works…Over the years he forgot the reason how he became a success today…it was all down to his fans but he believed, like so many celebrities, never respond to tweet messages and posted admiration.

Many of his fans had genuine respect, some were all stations to Barking the rest tried to copy his success and failed…However, there was a part of him that wanted to respond, even to a few people – but he was afraid because in real life he was totally different from his writing persona of those disturbing story’s.

A genuine fan was tired of zero response to their post and e-mailed correspondence and so the fan tweeted the words ‘Don’t Follow someone if you can’t be bothered to respond’  The writer knew this particular fan was right…but still ignored the tweet. The writer was cut from the same cloth of many other successful celebrities that never ever respond to their public…because the fact once you respond to one, it’s not fair to other fans and well wishers. The other deluded reason celebrities don’t respond is they believe everyone wants something from them…which is not always the case.

The writer was intrigued by this fan…so uncharacteristically he decided to contact this particular person….This was the famous writers downfall, his biggest mistake because the fan was not a fan at all….It was the host for the Horror genre, me the bleedingcritic….And the was famous writer is about to be snapped and crushed in a waste collection vehicle….why did I do it?….Because when people are at their lowest depression with no hope and no future, when they simply have had enough of life  – I assist them to have their soul returned and arrange for their body to be disposed of.

So if you’ve had enough and are too vulnerable to continue with life…I’ll be there to take your hand…then your leg and lastly your head…you forgot to close that window….or was it the back door that’s unlocked?…..doesn’t matter – I’m here with you now…scuttle scuttle….(SCREAM NOW!).

– bleedingcritic

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