THE CABIN IN THE WOODS2015-05-240.8Dull“If I knew this film was going to turn out the way it is, I wouldn’t have watched it” Bleeding Critic One Response Jessica Bayliss 17/04/2016 Clearly this isn’t a site fave, but I LOVED this movie. It was intense, it had humor, it had twists. I definitely love a book/film that is legitimately funny and scary. I’m fine with being in the minority.
Jessica Bayliss 17/04/2016 Clearly this isn’t a site fave, but I LOVED this movie. It was intense, it had humor, it had twists. I definitely love a book/film that is legitimately funny and scary. I’m fine with being in the minority.
Clearly this isn’t a site fave, but I LOVED this movie. It was intense, it had humor, it had twists. I definitely love a book/film that is legitimately funny and scary. I’m fine with being in the minority.